Dogs belong to the Canidae family. The jackel and fox also belong to this family. this family is often referred to ass the dog family and common characteristics of it are a long muzzle, large canine teeth and a long tail. However there are two characteristics that separate the domestic dog from others in the same family. The first is the huge variation found within the subspecies. For example the Irish wolfhound can be as high as 99.1 cm while the Chihuahua is usually no bigger than 15.2cm, some dogs have lots of hair while others, like the Mexican hairless, have no hair at all. The second is their close relationship with humans. The reason for such a huge variation in different breeds is because of human selection as well as natural evolution.

Dogs have been bred throughout the centuries for several different uses. One of their main uses was in hunting because they have such a good sense of smell. They are also used as guides for the blind, to detect drugs and explosives and as well as companions.


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